The Museum Newsletter
The Museum publishes a quarterly newsletter, The Astrolabe, as a section within Times of the Islands, The International Magazine of the Turks & Caicos. Selections from recent issues are available at the Times of the Islands website.
Articles have included the Space Race, Message in a Bottle Project, Royal Visits, Sisal Industry, The Endymion Shipwreck and many others. There are updates on activites, events and special projects taking place at both locations.
Times of the Islands magazines can be found at the Turks and Caicos National Museum, and a full set is available for viewing in the Museum library. The magazine is also available at a wide range of shops and hotels in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
A subscription to The Astrolabe with Times of the Islands is one of the many benefits of Museum support benefits. Visit Support to find out more information.
Alternatively you can take out a direct subscription from:
Times Publications Ltd.
PO Box 234
Caribbean Place, Providenciales
Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI
Telephone: 649-946-4788
Web site: