Join Our Special Donor Circles

Many Ways to Support the Museum

Individual donors make TCNM's exhibits, educational outreach, research projects, and conservation programs possible. Become part of the museum by joining one of our special donor groups.

Friends Circle - $75-$999 Donations

Our Friends make everything possible. Make a donation at this level and share the excitement of helping the Museum grow.

Benefactor's Circle - $1,000-$14,999 Donations

Become a part of this special philanthropic group of committed leaders who help ensure the Museum's future. Those in the Benefactor's Circle receive an array of exciting, exclusive benefits!

Director's Circle - $15,000 - $99,999 Donations

Those in the Director's Circle provide our highest level of support. Join their generosity and find a deeper association to the Museum through personalized connections, exclusive events and premiere viewings.

Make a lasting contribution through the Museum's Endowment Fund.

Invest in the museum's future by making a planned gift.

Design concept for the branch museum at the Village at Grace Bay. With your help  we can make it happen.