Read More About Slavery in the TCI and Bahamas
Some of the above publications are held in the Turks and Caicos National Museum library
Unpublished Material
Public Records Office
CO 23 Colonial Office – Bahamas Original Correspondence
1-127 covers 1717-1847
NDO 4 -National Debt Office: Abolition of Slavery Act 1833, Registers of Compensation Paid to Slave Owners
NDO 4/11 Compensation to Montserrat, St Christopher, Bahamas, Virgin Islands
NDO 4/32 Slavery Abolition Acts
T 71 Office of Registry of Colonial Slaves and Slave Compensation Records.
Files 456, 457, 458, 459, 460 cover the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands slave records
Files 772, 773, 774, 775, 776, 777, 778 contains the Compensation, Valuers’ Returns for Bahamas
Files 890 and 936 contains Compensation, Register of Claims for Bahamas
File 1063 has original claims and certificates for Compensation in the Bahamas
File 1303 has adjudications in contested Cases for the Bahamas
File 1350 has the Certificates for Compensation and Lists of Awards for Bahamas
File 1393 has Special Awards in Trust for Bahamas
File 1414 has Parliamentary Returns of Awards for Bahamas
Files 1476 and 1477 has Commissioner Hearing Notes for the Bahamas
File 1548 has Returns of the Sale of Slaves in Montserrat, Bermuda, Bahamas, Tobago, St Vincent
File 1617 has compensation for Guiana, Montserrat, Bermuda, Bahamas, Tobago
T79 American Loyalist Claims Commission 1794-1812
(Note – The Public Record Office data is extensive. Listed above are only the records for the Bahamas. Researchers should be aware that data may also be included in other files, especially for Bermuda)
Church of England Records (St Thomas’ Parish Records)
There is data in the early files that remains unseen by the Author but the following should be seen:
Register of Births and Baptism 1792-1818 11/16 and 12/16
Births and Baptisms 1792-1818 5/16 (Record of John Lorimer)
Baptisms, 1822-1835 4/18 (records Baptisms at Wades Green Estate)
Baptisms, 1822-1835 15/18 (Free Slaves and Apprentices, 1834, Slaves 1833-4)
Baptisms, 1822-1835 16/18 (Slaves 1831-1833)
Baptisms, 1822-1835 17/18 (Black and coloured, Slaves and Free 1827-1830)
Baptisms, 1822-1835 18/18 (Black and coloured, Slaves and Free 1825-1827)
Published Material
Local Publications
Sadler, H E, Turks Island Landfall, Published by Marjorie Sadler, 1997 (ISBN 976 8138 62 9)
Turks and Caicos Education Department, Our Country, The Turks and Caicos Islands, Macmillan Caribbean, 1989 (ISBN 0 333 47251 9)
General Publications
De Booy, Theodore. “The Turks and Caicos Islands, BWI” Geographical Review 6(1), July 1918, p27-51
Edwards, Bryan, History, Civil and Commercial of the British Colonies in the West Indies, London 1801
Farnsworth, Paul and L.A. Wilke Farnsworth, A Preliminary Report on the 1989 Archaeological Excavations at Wade’s Green Plantation, North Caicos, Louisiana State University 1990
Ferguson, Moira (editor), History of Mary Prince, A West Indian Slave, University of Michigan Press, 1996 (ISBN 0 472 08246 9)
Gates, Henry Louis (editor) “History of Mary Prince, A West Indian Slave”, p183 – 238 in Classic Slave Narratives, Mentor, 1987 (Note Mary Prince’s accounts can be found in several publications and full transcripts are available on the Internet)
Johnson, Howard, The Bahamas in Slavery and Freedom, Ian Randle Publishers, Jamaica, 1991 (ISBN 0 85255 085 5)
Kozy, Charlene Johnson, A History of the Georgia Loyalists and the Plantation Period in the Turks and Caicos Islands, Middle Tennessee State University, 1983
Maddison-MacFayden, Margot. “Mary Prince and Grand Turk” Bermuda Journal of Archaeology and Maritime History 19:102-123, 2009.
Maddison-MacFayden, Margot. “Turks Islands Salt, Enslavement and the Newfoundland-West Indian Trade” Newfoundland Quarterly, Memorial University, St John’s, Newfoundland. Turks Island Salt_NQ_v105_n01_2012.pdf
Packwood, Cyril Outerbridge, Chained on the Rock, Bermuda, 1993 (ISBN 0 9696517 5 9)
Peggs, Deans, “A mission to the West Indies. Dowson’s Journal for 1810-1817”, Nassau, 1960
Saunders, Gail, Slavery in the Bahamas, 1648-1838, 1985 (ISBN 976 8012 50 1)
Saunders, Gail, Bahamian Loyalists and Their Slaves, Macmillan Caribbean, 1982 (ISBN 0 333 35831 7)
Walvin, James, Questioning Slavery, Ian Randle Publishers, Jamaica, 1997 (ISBN 976 8123 01 X)
Walvin, James, The Slave Trade, Sutton Publishing Limited, 1999 (ISBN 0 7509 2258 3)
Wylly, A short Account of the Bahamas Islands, London 1799