By Rory McEathron
The archaeological excavation continued today, mindless of the overcast weather–which I thoroughly enjoyed.The whole group worked incredibly hard today, digging 22 new holes (most of which had nothing of substance in them) and covering almost two acres.
Had it been hot and sunny like yesterday, I think that we may have had casualties—I am exhausted anyway. The ground we’re covering is covered with hundreds of thorn-bushes, and I think that seeds could actually be planted in the dirt-filled gouges in my legs and arms.We’re definitely making good progress though.
Debbie and I talked for close to half an hour about Hollywood archaeology today while we were working. Why can’t real archaeology be like we see in Indiana Jones? I mean, he walks onto a site and finds the priceless treasure in his first hole! So far, out of 56 holes, the most interesting thing that we’ve found is … a tiny piece of pottery? I’m really having fun with it; it’s hard work but I’m learning a lot and getting to spend time with people I’d never have a chance to otherwise. Day four tomorrow!