Last week was insanely busy! Here’s a sampling of what kept us busy:
The Fort St. George artifact cleaning continued by Dr. Keith.
Rory alternated taking pictures of the artifacts for cataloging and giving his stellar tours.
On Thursday the swimming activities were canceled due to rough seas increasing our expected visitor count by 50%!
Look out for the newest Astrolab Newsletter in the Times of the Island. We just sent in our materials for the articles and already have a proof from the editor – it’s going to be another great issue!
Our trustee meeting was this week and included the annual report for 2009 and outlined goals for the coming months.
We hosted a private party this week after hours. It was great fun showing off the Turks and Caicos history to our host’s guests. Dr. Keith guided people through the museum and showed off his most recent work in the laboratory. Dinner was accompanied by light music and set a lovely tone for the social event. Among the distinguished guests was His Excellency the Governor and his wife. What a treat!
Today starts another busy week at the museum. Aliatt brought her class to visit us today and the archeological dig on GT-4 started today too. Rory will tell you more about that later, until then I’m going off to hear some of the stories first hand!