The Turks and National Museum celebrated International Museum Day on May 20, 2017 with the event ‘Back in the Day’, a celebration of the heritage and culture of the Turks and Caicos Islands at its location in the Village in Grace Bay Providenciales. The museum’s management, staff, and volunteers, who guided visitors through a tour of the historical timeline of the Turks and Caicos Islands from 200m BC to the 1900s in the museum’s development office, greeted attendees.
Many commented that the traditional past time activities took them back in time and enjoyed reminiscing. Bennett Williams assisted parents, children and the young-at-heart as they played games like hopscotch, skipping rope, and rolling wheels in the yard.
Some persons toured the Heritage House and shared memories but for many others seeing the way of life in the mid-1900s as wonderfully demonstrated by Daphne Forbes was a learning experience.
During the construction of a traditional Caicos Sloop, Pastor Gold Williams and JJ Parker shared the traditional knowledge and historically important marine heritage of the islands.
David Bowen entertained with stories of Anansi the spider, and with the help of the children he brought the stories to life. He also entertained the engaged audience as he played with the Ripsaw Band. Angela Freites made a special appearance delighted all with her Ripsaw renditions and the stories of this traditional past time.
Semone Been and Oneika Wilson were two of the persons who brought us back in time as they read stories that they penned in their early childhood. These stories have been well preserved with many other short stories and poems in the 1980’s book ‘Something to Crow About’.
Euillit Pinnock, Mario Smith and the team from the Agriculture Department did a great job of advising and getting persons started in their backyard farming with seedlings. They were supported Bryan Naqqi Manco of the Department Environment and Coastal Resources.
Museum representative for the museum’s development center in Providenciales, Candianne Williams welcomed the attendees, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Environment Mrs. Cheryl Ann Forbes brought greetings on behalf of the Ministry and Minister Hon Ralph Higgs. Mrs. Jones expressed the ministry’s support for the museum’s work in promoting the history and culture of the islands and said that she hoped to see the museum hold an event like this one on the other islands as well. Mrs. Patricia Saxton, Museum Director thanked all of the persons who came together to make the event possible and everyone who came out to support it.
Special thanks to:
Special thanks to all to everyone who came out and supported this event and brought the young people to share the cultural heritage with them and also to the organized groups who came out like the Turks and Caicos Islands Sailing Association and the uniformed youth groups from the Wesley Methodist Church.
We say a big thank you to:
Sponsors: Board of Tourism, Department of Culture, Department of Agriculture, Department of Environment and Coastal Resources, Turks Head Brewery, Turtle Cove Marina, Hartling Group, Blue Loos, Mark Pankhurst, Claire Malcolm and friends
Organizing Committee: Candianne Williams, Emily Malcolm, Daphne Forbes, David Bowen, Chef Nik, Algernon Dean, Pastor Gold Williams, James Parker, Blight Clare
Volunteers: Bennett Williams, Siri White, Cecelia Rothwell, Hilary Day, Seamus Day, Brenda Ludington, Ivy Basden, Fred Glinton, Bryan Naqqi Manco, Patricia Saxton, Neil Saxton, Rotary Club of Providenciales, Scotiabank and RBC Royal Bank of Canada staff volunteers.