Shining Stars Preparatory School is one of the schools whose students visited the Museum’s Development Office during Education week, which is observed during the first week of March. This visit was a little different because they were doing early career exploration under the theme “Preparing Today for Tomorrow”.
Don Stark of TCI Reef Fund and Candianne Williams , museum representative made a presentation to them that spanned the spectrum of careers on the land and sea that work together to create the museum experience. The students were very engaged throughout the visit and asked many questions.
One such interesting question was directed to Don, the student wanted to know if he had seen any mermaids as an underwater videographer. I think I can safely say that we have budding, archaeologist, underwater videographers, artists who want to specialize in museum design and layout, museum managers and genealogists to name a few. We were delighted to spend some time with the students on their career exploration.