On Thursday April 14, 2016 a team from CMK Realty Corporation representing the Sailrock Development of South Caicos met with Pat Saxton to discuss collaboration on the creation of a historical walking tour in Cockburn Harbour, South Caicos.
Scott Hoskins, President of CMK Realty along with Liz Le, Marketing Director and CJ Walstrom, Marketing Specialist spent the afternoon touring the Museum and the Botanical and Cultural Garden. The history of South Caicos and points of interest for inclusion in the walking tour were the focus of the discussion. B. Naqqi Manco from the Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) also attending to provide background information on the natural history of South Caicos.
We applauded the Sailrock Development for taking the time and effort to make sure their tour is historically accurate. The Museum hopes that all new developments will take these important steps to ensure that accuracy and sensitivity towards the local natural and cultural history are considered.