By Pat Saxton
Once again our friends from the UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum have helped the TCNM. This time they delivered books to the Turks and Caicos National Museum’s Reference Library. In June, Dr. Mike and Ann Pienkowski brought books donated by World Land Trust, IUCN, and Natural History Book Service through UKOTCF.
Our reference library now has the following new items:
1. Creating a Sea of Change: The WWF/ IUCN Marine Policy.
2. International Ocean Governance. Kimball, IUCN, 2003 (Includes Executive Summary and DVDrom insert)
3. Integrating Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Rules of the World Trade Organization. Downes, IUCN, 1999.
4. The Economic Benefits of Protected Areas: Lower Mekong River Region. The PAD Partnership, 2003.
5. Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems and Species – Environmental Context. Ed. Pernetta, Leeman, Elder, Humphrey. 1995.
6. Global Climate Change and Coral Reefs: Implications for People and Reefs. Wilkinson and Buddemeier, IUCN, 1994.
7. Marine and Coastal Protected Areas. Salm, Clark, Siirila. IUCN, 2000.
8. Friends for Life. Ed. McNeely. IUCN 2005
9. Evaluation and Assessment for Conservation. Spellerberg. Chapman and Hall.
10. Ecological Census Techniques. Sutherland. Cambridge, 1996.
11. Centres of Plant Diversity: V3, The Americas. Davis, Heywood, Herrera-MacBryde, Villa-Lobos, Hamilton. WWF/ IUCN, 1997.
We greatly appreciate the donation and our volunteer Botanist, B. Naqqi Manco is already making use of them.