Rob Stewart (Sharkwater), Katharine Hart (DEMA), Jackie Walker (Amanyara), Tina Randall (Provo Ponies), Rick MacPherson (Pew), and Jennifer Sawada (Pew Charitable Trusts). Photos by B. Naqqi Manco
On Sunday March 29 the TCNM hosted Mr. Rob Stewart who made the award winning documentary “Sharkwater”. Everyone who came walked away with a different view of sharks and what needs to be done to help save this vital creature of the sea. Rob showed the film, and answered many questions from the audience. He then showed how a sixth grade classroom made a difference in changing their governments view of shark hunting.
If you have not seen this great documentary it is available on YouTube, and Rob’s hope is to educate the masses in order to change laws and also stop illegal long line fishing before it eradicates the entire shark population. For more information about Sharkwater visit the website and view the documentary movie trailer.