News from the club house
Children’s Club took place in mid-November, just in time to make some lovely Thanksgiving frames and to learn how to play the rip-saw from Grand Turk’s own “Zues”.
All the children got a chance at trying to play the saw! The music was great and a fund time was had by all!
- Published in Children's Club News
Summer Camp 2015 August 24-28, was a huge success! On the agenda numerous educational outings to keep our 8-12 year old campers smiling, inquiring and laughing as we started camp bright and early. With 4 days to see Grand Turk, the campers set out by foot, trolley and boat. First day they learned about our great Museum and Botanical and Cultural Garden guided by Bryan Naqq-Manco.
The next day, Mrs. Jill Beckingham opened her lovely home, Waterloo, for us to visit. The children learned about the house, which is 200 years old, and then enjoyed treats in the garden. Thank you also to Island Trams who transported the children to Waterloo and back!
Wednesday they were invited to the House of Assembly by Honourable Robert Hall, who is the Speaker of the House. The children learned all about the government of the Turks and Caicos Islands!
Thursday they walked along Front Street and met with numerous merchants. Unfortunately they didn’t have enough time to see all the merchants they had planned on visiting, but the kids learned a lot from Grand Turk Divers, Blue Water Divers, Turks Head Inn, Osprey Hotel, LIME and finished off with cookies from the Coral Café!
We had to postpone our annual Gibbs Cay outing due to weather, but we finally went on September 26 and had a great time! Thanks to Oasis Divers for taking us!
- Published in A Day at the National Museum, Children's Club News
by Nikki Jennings
Children’s Club Coordinator
On December 13th the TCNM Children’s Club hosted Mr. Hartley Squires, who came to teach us nautical rope knots. We learned 6 knots, including the clove hitch for which Hartley especially made a wooden pylon so we could practice that knot. In the photographs you see Chelsea Been practicing her clove hitch.
We learned to do a perfect bowline, in which both ends are on the same side of the knot. Antranay shows us her skills.
Hartley also put together a cleat so we could practice our Cleat Hitches. Here Hartley is showing Andrew how to do the Cleat Hitch. As is usually the case, Andrew picked it up right away!
We finished the session with a talk about nautical safety, which is very dear to Hartley. He left us with the adage: Cats have nine lives, we only have one so let’s be smart about safety!
Knot tying was the last session of the year for the Children’s Club. The New Year should be exciting as we welcome a new Children’s Club Coordinator, Katharine Hart. We say good bye and thank you to Nikki Jennings who has enjoyed her time with the Club immensely and who can always to asked to come along on the day the kids go to Gibbs Cay!
We wish all current and former members of the Children’s Club and their families a very Merry Christmas and all the very best for the New Year.
- Published in A Day at the National Museum, Children's Club News
By Nikki Jennings
Children’s Club Coordinator
The Museum Children’s Club is always looking for new ways we can explore and learn about our islands, our history, our culture and environment. Over the years we have studied the sand on our beaches, found and measured all the cannons on Grand Turk, made a model of Front Street and so much more. Recently I started to think that we hadn’t yet explored how our islands work. What exactly do they do in the courthouse or at the dock? How does the post office get our mail and do they really have pigs on the prison farm? With this in mind, the Children’s Club has embarked on a of series outings to find out how our island works.
Our first field trip in this series was to JAGS MacCartney International Airport on May 24th. Mr. Shivago Missick, the airport manager, took us on a very informative tour. First we were given a thorough briefing on how airport security works. Security officers taught us how they do body searches and we were allowed to see what our bags look like in the scanner. In the departure lounge we learned how important it is for the runway to stay clear of animals and how migrating birds can cause serious problems to the aircraft. This being the month of May, birds are foremost on the runway supervisor’s mind. From there we walked through the international arrivals building and learned what immigration officers do and we stopped at Caicos Express where Ms. Williams gave us a little talk about tickets and boarding passes.
Once we finished touring the airport Mr. Missick said with a big smile: “And now we are off to the most exciting part of the airport – the fire station.” Little did the children know what was in store for them. When we arrived at the fire station, which is all the way across on the other side of the runway from the terminal building, the entire staff of the fire station and two fire trucks were waiting for us.
Station Manager Charles Tipton explained to us exactly what they do if there is an emergency. We learned that no plane can land or take off if the fire station is not ready, and, if there is a fire in town and the team is off fighting a blaze, the airport is shut down for the time being. Then he pointed to the two fire trucks, explained how they work and asked if the children would like to ride in the truck! How could they resist? Thirteen children had a chance to ride the fire truck, with its siren wailing and warning lights flashing, and watch water shoot out the front nozzle. What could be more exciting than that!
You are not allowed to take photographs in any secure area of the airport, and so I was not able to take pictures of the children learning how to do body searches. But I really wanted to take a picture of the children with the fire fighters. So we stepped outside the gates and took a picture there. In the front is a fireman who very kindly accepted to put on all his gear for us, including the face mask and oxygen tank, and explained how it all worked.
Thank you to the entire staff of the airport and the fire station for having welcomed us so warmly. I am sure our visit will long be remembered. I’d also like to thank Etienne Leblanc of Caribbean Tours and Adventure for donating his bus and driver to make this excursion possible.
The Turks and Caicos National Museum Children’s Club is open to all the children of Grand Turk between the ages of 8 and 12. We usually meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month. For more information please call 946-2160.
- Published in A Day at the National Museum, Children's Club News
By Cordelia Creese
Children’s Club Coordinator

Cleaning up North Creek with a bit of help from the Children’s Club. Giving back to the community for the holidays.
In keeping with the tradition of cleaning in December for Christmas, two club members met at the dock in North Creek to clean the shore and land near the shore of the dock.
We removed many cans, oil bottles, clothing, plastic bags, and wood from the area. We were joined by a very young volunteer who assisted us. We are very grateful to this very, young girl and Mr. Winston Quelch who removed ten bags of trash. Thank you Mr. Quelch for your undying support!!
- Published in Children's Club News
By Nikki Jennings
Children’s Club
On November 26th the JAGS MacCartney International Airport entrance hall was taken over by Museum members, members of the Museum Board, and the parents and children of the Museum’s Children’s Club for a ceremony to unveil the mosaic “Grand Turk”. Our friends who follow the blog know the artwork was this year’s Children’s Club Summer Project.

The unveiling of the mosaics project on November 26th at the Grand Turk airport. Photo by Martin Seim.
Pat Saxton, Director of the Turks and Caicos National Museum Foundation, opened the ceremony. She was followed by Donna Seim, author of the book “Where is Simon, Sandy?” whose entire profit goes towards supporting the Museum Children’s Club. Donna said the mosaic project was a perfect coming together of the club’s mission to encourage learning the history, the culture, and the natural environment of these beautiful islands and it was also about having fun. Also speaking were Lisa Wandres, mosaic artist and part-time Grand Turk resident, who taught the children how to convert their drawings of Grand Turk into glass mosaics and Shivago Missick, the manager of the airport, who pulled the names of two of the children out of a hat. With a flourish, Children’s Club members Kentrelle Prospere and Andrew Clarke tugged down the sheets unveiling the mosaics for all to see.
The mosaics were greeted with claps and cheers and astonishment from the children themselves, who could barely believe how beautiful their artwork is. The artwork is now a permanent part of the airport and is sure to give great pleasure to all who go through its’ halls.
The Museum Children’s Club is open to all children on Grand Turk between the ages of 8 and 12. The club meets once a month, inviting children to discover the history and culture, flora and fauna of the Turks and Caicos. There is also a yearly Summer Program in which one topic is studied in depth for a week.
- Published in A Day at the National Museum, Children's Club News
By Cordelia Creese
Children’s Club Coordinator
Making Christmas ornaments was just awesome!! We truly enjoyed our meeting on Saturday, November 9, 2013. Seven members attended the meeting and we made simple, beautiful and delicate ornaments for Christmas trees.
We are very grateful to Mrs. Nikki Jennings and Mrs. Cecile Wennick for showing us how to create such beautiful works of art from old magazines, glue, foil, thread, beads, ribbons, glitter, Popsicle sticks and construction paper.Thank you! Thank you!!
- Published in Children's Club News
By Cordelia Creese
Children’s Club Coordinator
The Museum Children’s Club met on Saturday, 19th October, 2013. Our theme for this meeting was Flamingos and Mangroves. We journeyed to the Town Salina to watch eight flamingos feed, fly and ply the waters of the salina. From there we observed and compared the red, white and black Mangroves at North Creek. We learned a lot about not only the Mangroves, and about the birds that visited there. We had a great time and we thank Mr. Winston Quelch for providing the transportation to and from North Creek.
- Published in Children's Club News
By Cordelia Creese
Children’s Club Coordinator
Summer Camp at the National Museum began on July 27th and ended on August 2nd 2013. On the first day all fourteen registered children drew and colored pictures of our “Favorite Island Thing.” Then on Monday to Wednesday we made our mosaics from these pictures.
It was very enjoyable to cut, fit and stick the pieces of tiles together to make the mosaics. We were amazed at how beautiful the pictures looked when they were completed. We are indeed proud of our efforts!! We say a great thank you to our GREAT teacher, Ms. Lisa Wandres, who gave so generously of her time and donated materials that made it possible!!
On Thursday, we collected items on the beach to make our group mosaic on Friday.
Our reward for all our hard work was a trip to Gibbs Cay, sponsored by Oasis Divers. We enjoyed our hike, and swim with the sting rays at Gibbs Cay. Thank you Oasis Divers, especially Captain Been, and Brent Astwood for making our trip and Summer a memorable one!!
- Published in A Day at the National Museum, Children's Club News
By Cordelia Creese
Children’s Club Coordinator
The club convened on Saturday, June 8, 2013 at the museum and then we did a little “sandwatching” on a short portion of the West Road Beach from Missick’s Building to the Fishermen’s Port. Seven members attended.
We observed a number of things on the beach.
We noted that there is a GREAT need for users of the beach to keep it CLEANER.
We saw several sea biscuits.
One of the highlights of our Sandwatching was to witness a symbiotic relationship between a pelican and a laughing gull.
We say thank you to the fishermen on the beach who allowed us to photograph them catching “fries” and also allowed us to touch the “fries”.
Spread the word says our Pelican : “Keep Our Beaches Clean” !!!
- Published in A Day at the National Museum, Children's Club News