News from the club house
By Cordelia Creese
Children’s Club Coordinator
The third meeting of the Museum children’s club was held on Saturday May 18, 2013. Our theme for this session was” Basketry”. Nine children attended and four adults.
We all tried very hard to follow our instructor, Isabell Brown, and create our fish.
It took a lot of time and effort to be moderately accomplished in the fine art of weaving.
We all had such a great time in this very engaging session that three hours sped by without notice.
Our session ended with a short vote of thanks to Isabell by Andrew Clark.
The children’s club is extremely grateful to Ms. Brown for her donations of thatch, and samples of her work in basketry.
We will need many, more sessions to perfect our skills.
- Published in A Day at the National Museum, Children's Club News
By Cordelia Creese
Children’s Club Coordinator
The Museum’s Children’s club once again assembled on March 9, 2013. Our members ranged in age from seven to twelve.
At our first meeting, we made word puzzles and bookmarks based on our theme: “the Commonwealth”. We had a great time finding the countries and making the flashy bookmarks.
Our second meeting on April 13, 2013 brought adventure; as we journey into the past and visited five of the fourteen chimneys remaining on Grand Turk.
We observed, drew and took photos of these chimneys.
The cooking areas below these chimneys were divided into compartments or sections. Why was this done is very puzzling; and the answer will be available in our next blog. Stay tuned!!!
- Published in A Day at the National Museum, Children's Club News
We had a fabulous day! Martin was the photographer extraordinaire! The kids had a ball. Thanks to Nikki for organizing and Oasis who donated everything but the tips!
Our happy Kayaking adventurers waiting for the last few to arrive before we hop on the bus and head for the North Creek. Yay! Turks and Caicos National Museum Kid’s Club!
Lots of happy smiles peeking out the windows of our blue bus. We are all ready for a grand day and of course adventure. The first adventure was a flat tire on the way to North Creek! But we managed to arrive right side up and happy.
First excitement of the day, besides the flat tire, upside down jelly fish floating all along the edge of the dock.
We are reassured that the upside down jelly fish do not sting, Judelane, our junior counselor, relayed the comforting information.
Time to get our life jackets fitted and snapped up tight.
Some of the jackets came in very pretty colors and everyone gets to choose.
The S on this happy campers jacket stands for speed! An athlete in the making.
Captain Mark watching as the first kayaks cross the creek to the mangroves. The point of the lesson is to go in a straight line!
Paddles up! Treat your paddle with respect, it can harm someone if you are not in control of your paddle.
Waiting patiently to climb into the yellow glass bottom kayaks. How Cool!
Donna and Tanya, our first moments floating, life is good! And the water is crystal clear!
Dr. Tomas and son, lead the way! Notice how expertly he holds his paddle!
Captain Mark addresses the group and teaches us all about mangroves. Crossing the creek was successful. Only one of the kids had kayaked before and we were almost pros already. The boats were quite stable and the weather fabulous.
Anupside down jelly fish! Want to hold one? The funniest event of the day was when Tanya, eager to hold a jelly fish, let go dropping it onto the floor of our kayak! Ugh! Sting or no sting, not something you want in your boat. Our very kind guide removed it!
We hit the beach! Could the water be more beautiful?
Very proud kayakers! Perfect day, perfect water!
Nature walk, lessons about the bush and local plants. We learned a lot!
A sea cucumber, strange creature that grows in your hands. Unique feeling!
A sea urchin scooped out of the sea, alive and well. You can feel the prickles moving as you hold it in your hand.
This is also a sea urchin but he is the nasty type. Don’t step on his spikes because if you do you will find yourself in bed for a month!
A live conch! Time for a true taste of the sea!
Whoopee! After all that paddling and learning it is time to jump into the refreshing turquoise water.
Time to paddle back to the dock, and on the way back a big boat came by and made us a big wave! We arrived right side up, no problem! Ya, Mon, thanks to Captain Mark and his crew, we were well trained.
A Huge thank you to Oasis divers who donated the excellent boat, fabulous Captain and guides, and the wonderful Blue bus that brought us back home both safe and happy to the museum!
- Published in Children's Club News
By Malcolm Ferreira
The last event of the Summer Children’s Program was horseback riding. Chukka Tours organized the outing, free of cost. Stephanie Human , Nikki Jennings and I provided assistance as “look-outs”. We then had a picnic at the Lighthouse . A huge thanks to Chukka Tours who also provided transportation to and fro. We were all happy and tired at the end of the day.
- Published in Children's Club News
By Malcolm Ferreira
Monday last. August 8, 2011 we did the bird walk with Malcolm as the guide…we didn’t get to draw because we were so tired…we did the entire bird trail in the HOTTTTT sun….
It was a good day and we saw lots of birds!
- Published in Children's Club News
By Malcolm Ferreira
Stephanie Human from The TCSPCA visited the clubhouse on July 25 and brought along two puppies. She ve a full lecture on care, feeding, grooming and all it entails to have a pet…then the kids drew pics pf puppies, guided by Judelain.
- Published in Children's Club News
By Malcolm Ferreira
On July 18, Jodi Johnson from the DECR visited the Clubhouse and gave a wonderful presentation about the fish in the TCI using the projector and then the kids drew pictures of their favorites.
- Published in Children's Club News
By Donna Seim
Toady the Children’s Club took a trip to Gibbs Cay. The idea was to introduce them to the mysteries of the ocean and teach them about the environment while having fun.
Gathering at the museum before we walk to Scotia Dock to board the boat.
On our way iwth Oasis Divers. Yeah!
Getting our snorkel gear on! Some of us who have never snorkeled needed blow up vests.
NIkki our leader and lots of smiling faces!
How many know how to swim? How many have snorkeled before? How many cannot swim? Time to break into groups.
Getting the basics from Nikki.
Here goes the advanced group with Malcome as the fearless leader!
Went snorkeling and look what we found! Conchs!
We were visited by 12 stingrays and one seemingly friendly barracuda.
Come join the fun, time for a splash party.
- Published in Children's Club News
By Donna Seim
Today we talked about postage stamps and visited the museum exhibit of stamps from the past.
Afer our visit, the children were to think of a design from the Turks and Caicos and design their own stamp. They did a fabulous job! As you can see from the pictures.
Nkki Miller Jennings explaining about stamp design.
All the kids went to work creating their designs.
There was lots of discussion and sharing of ideas.
A beautiful Turks Head Cactus stamp.
Lots of fish on stamps.
Sandy the Donkey and a Turks Head Cactus on this stamp.
- Published in Children's Club News
Today, I came to the National Museum and I was introduced to water color painting. This is going to be used for the Children’s Club program tomorrow.
What I like about water color painting is that when you’re doing it, you have to mix the paint with water – and that’s fun. The water colors are very clear and easy to use. Before doing anything, I drew a picture of a day at the beach and things that could be found there. After drawing my picture, I painted it and left it to dry.
This was a demonstration of water color in the subject of arts and crafts that I had to complete so that I can be ready to help other children tomorrow.
- Published in Children's Club News