By Candianne Williams
Museum Representative, Village at Grace Bay
As part of education week, Mrs. Robinson, Grade 6 teacher at the Oseta Jolly Primary School took her class to visit the museum’s developmental office in Grace Bay, Providenciales. Mrs. Robinson, who now lives and works in Providenciales, was delighted that she had the opportunity to continue her tradition of bringing her class to learn the history of the islands from the museum. When she taught at the Ona Glinton Primary School in Grand Turk she organized a field trip for her Grade 6 students to the museum every year.
The children were fascinated with what they learned. Kumberlyn Jeanty in his heartfelt vote of thanks on behalf of his class expressed how happy he was to learn so much history in one morning. As he was speaking, the other students nodded and echoed his sentiments and then one of them turned and thanked their teacher for giving them such a wonderful learning opportunity. They look forward having a National Museum in Providenciales.